Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Pug Dog Info All Pug Dog Owners Must Know

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Pugs are cute and comical, a great pet for any family but if you are thinking about adopting one, there is some Pug information that you need to be aware of.

Before adopting any pet, you need to make sure that you can provide for the comfort and safety of the pet. Pugs are not outdoor dogs, so you must be prepared to keep the pug indoors which means setting up a proper sleeping area for your new furry friend.

Also, if you are not home during the day, you will need to think about where you will keep the Pug when you are at work. Will you use a crate or let him roam free? Decide this beforehand so you can be ready with the appropriate supplies.

Pugs are sociable animals which make them good family pets, but this also means that you will need to dedicate time to spend with your pug. You can't leave your pug alone for extended lengths of time or you may find that he gets up to quite a bit of mischief.

Pug dog information pertaining to exercise is encouraging since they don't really require much. In fact, a lot of Pugs are actually quite lazy and you will probably have to do a bit of work to encourage him to go out for a walk. Be that as it may, walks are a vital part of any dogs day so you should plan for at least 20 minutes of walk time each day.

When it comes to grooming, your Pug does have some special needs. One of the most interesting features of the Pug is his wrinkly facial skin, but these same wrinkles can actually be a health hazard for your pug because they can harbor dirt and germs. Therefore, you need to take the time to clean in between these folds periodically. Although Pugs have a short coat, they do shed so frequent brushing is recommended. Just like any other dog, you will need to trim your Pugs nails, keep his ears clean and brush his teeth.

When it comes to feeding a Pug, one need to practice restraint. This is because the Pug can tend to overeat and will easily gain weight. Excess weight on any dog and on Pugs in particular can cause a variety of health issues so in order to keep your Pug healthy, make sure you only feed him good quality food and don't over do it!

Of course no Pug dog information discussion would be complete without stating that your Pug should have regular Veterinarian visits and that you should bring your dog in should you notice any change in behavior.

Pugs are wonderful companions and can live 15 years or more provided they get the proper care and nutrition.

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